How Do You Make $118,000 a Year?

Did you know that the average software developer at a large company makes $118,000 a year*? Average. That’s not bad at all.

(*) The average for a large corporation with more than 5000 employees. Source:

If you want to make it big in salary, you have to master the field. Knowing how to build an app is only half the battle. Software development is not just about coding. In fact, a single line of code can be the result of hours and days of discussions, emails, meetings, and design decisions.

Modern software development isn’t just about being able to program object-oriented applications, it is also about understanding the bigger picture of your project in terms of requirements and software architecture.

My UML and Object-Oriented Design Foundations course covers the essentials of software development, modern object-oriented design practices, as well as using UML to communicate your ideas professionally.

The course is well suited for you if:

You want to get ahead in this competitive industry

You develop complex software products

You need to better understand how software systems work

The course is available for a limited time at a heavily discounted price by clicking the following link:


If you have any questions, please message me and let me know how I can help.

Best regards,

Karoly Nyisztor

#uml #ood #softwareengineering #softwarearchitecture #softwaredesign #objectorienteddesign

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