The Biggest Issue with Junior Developers–and How to Fix it
The quality of their code? Nope.
The performance of their code? Try harder.
Their lack of experience? Nah, that’s not it either.
The number one issue facing junior developers is related to their ability to ask questions.
I’ve seen two extremes:
The first category believes they need to know everything. They’re afraid of sounding stupid, so they keep writing code without asking for help which in turn leads to them making more mistakes.
The second category is the complete opposite – they ask too many questions. This behavior often disrupts the flow of work because other developers have to stop what they’re doing to answer the questions.
So, what can you do to find the happy medium?
If you just started working in a professional environment, here are some tips that will help you improve the way you communicate with other developers.
1. Write down your questions
If you have a question, write it down and ask when it’s a good time for the other person. This way, you won’t forget what you wanted to ask, and you can also avoid interrupting someone who might be busy. You might even find the answer in the meantime!
2. Be specific
When you ask a question, be as specific as possible. This way, the other person can understand what you’re trying to achieve and give you a more targeted answer. For example, instead of asking “How do I use this API?,” try “I’m trying to fetch data from this API endpoint, but I’m getting a ‘404 Not Found’ error. Can you help me understand what I’m doing wrong?”
3. Do your homework
Before you ask a question, make sure you’ve done your research. There’s nothing more frustrating than having someone ask a question that could easily be answered by reading the documentation.
4. Be patient
If you don’t understand something, it’s okay to ask for clarification. But don’t keep asking the same question over and over again. If the other person doesn’t have time to answer your question right away, be patient and give them some time. They’ll get back to you when they can.
5. Be open to feedback
If you’re new to code reviews, it’s natural to feel defensive when someone points out errors in your code. A junior dev once started to argue with me when I pointed out that her code was inefficient, and instead of fixing it, she threw a tantrum and tried to justify her approach.
Don’t be like that junior dev. If someone takes the time to review your code, it’s because they want to help you improve. If you’re open to feedback, it’ll be easier for others to work with you, and you’ll become a better developer in the process.
6. Don’t get stuck
I had a colleague who was tasked with exploring a shady compiler error that occurred in spite of a perfectly-looking code. He spent about three months on that, almost every day. I’m not kidding.
Finally, the project manager asked us to help him out. We sat together for less than an hour and found that the compiler we used did not support the latest C++ standard. There was nothing wrong with the code!
If you find yourself stuck on a problem, take a step back and ask for help. There’s no shame in admitting that you can’t figure something out on your own. Chances are, someone else has already been through what you’re going through and can give you some valuable insights.
And finally-
7. Be grateful
If someone takes the time to help you, make sure to thank them. A little appreciation goes a long way!
The ability to communicate effectively is critical for junior developers and will ultimately determine their success in the industry.