Don’t Let Yourself Get Sucked into the UML Rabbit Hole

When used right, UML can be an excellent tool to express our ideas in a clear and standardized way.

With over a dozen diagrams and a ton of different visual symbols, UML can be overwhelming. However, you can get pretty far by understanding and using the most common types of diagrams.

Besides, knowing a lot of UML doesn’t necessarily make you a better object-oriented developer. Actually, it might increase your chances of getting lost in the details – instead of addressing the real problem at hand. 

I can’t count how many times I’ve seen developers arguing over nitty-gritty UML details rather than solving the actual issue. 

I strongly suggest shifting the emphasis toward more clarity when creating UML diagrams. That is, focus on the problem at hand and try to solve it using the most straightforward approach.

My UML and Object-Oriented Design Foundations course teaches you how to work with UML more efficiently. Besides exploring the most common UML diagram types, you’ll learn about object orientation and software design best practices. 

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