Money Is Not the Answer

Software developers can never stop learning. The real question is the motivation behind that learning.

My first programming language was Sinclair Basic. I found it fascinating that I could solve math problems on my ZX Spectrum 48K. I truly enjoyed solving problems. The more I understood how programming works, the more interesting it became. I learned to code because it interested me, not because I wanted to get a job or impress my boss.

Having that mindset has allowed me to acquire the skills and experiences that I know today. And it has taught me to be open-minded towards learning new things, even if they’re not related to software development. Being able to learn is a superpower in this day and age.

Many people learn to program because they believe there is a large salary waiting for them. But if you don’t have an intrinsic interest in programming, you won’t find joy in your everyday work. Once the joy fizzles out, you should look for other opportunities.

Life is too short to do something we don’t enjoy, and dull life isn’t worth living. Especially in the IT industry where jobs are plentiful. There is no reason for spending 40 hours per week doing something that doesn’t interest us.

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