What Your Dad Didn’t Tell You About Software Development

People often think that software developers have an exciting job, with new challenges to solve every day. But software development can also be repetitive and mundane. 

Like any other job, software development has its ups and downs. Some days you’ll be excited and challenged, while other days, you’ll be bored and frustrated.

A cold and rainy Monday that starts with an “all-hands” meeting and ends with a broken build will make you question your chosen profession. 

There are times when you’ll be working on the same project for months or even years. And there will be times when you’ll be working on multiple projects simultaneously, and you’ll have to juggle them all. 

You’ll spend some of your time working on code that is not interesting, but you need to do it anyway. And you’ll probably have to do maintenance work, too. And did I mention “all-hands” meetings?

The software development world is not always exciting. But don’t worry, the good days will outweigh the bad ones. And when you have a great day at work, you will remember why you became a software developer in the first place.

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