One of the Biggest Lies Ever Told: 100% Job Security

No job has ever been secure, even in the best of times–which these days are not. No employer will ever give you 100% job security, so always have a Plan B ready.

Forget career building and focus on creating multiple streams of income. A single source of income will put you at risk. 

How can you diversify your income? Well, there are a few options. You can start freelancing on the side, start an online store, offer consulting services, or even create an app or other digital products. Do whatever it takes to create multiple streams of income so that you’re not relying on a single source. 

* * *
If I didn’t follow my own advice, I would be in a tough situation right now, stuck in a job I hate with no way out. Or even worse, I would have been fired already and be struggling to find a new job in this difficult economy.

Bottom line:
Diversify your income so that you can weather any storm.


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