Traditional Education and Bad Breath

Here’s one of the reasons I LOVE creating tech courses.

“You are a LEGEND!! I got my first dev job thanks to you. I specifically remembered your Pokemon examples to answer inheritance and abstraction questions 🤩 
You’re the best at explaining these concepts, seriously would’ve saved time in uni if we followed this course ❤️”

I’ve spent 18 years in the tech industry and never received such a heartfelt and positive response to my work before. As someone passionate about creating educational technology courses, I know that my biggest reward is seeing how my students succeed.

Technology has changed the world in countless ways. Traditional education pales compared to the practical, innovative, and fun approach that online courses offer.

Looking back to my college years, I still get goosebumps when I remember some of the teachers we had in our programming courses. They were legends: people who knew the subject inside and out and had a gift for making complex concepts simple to understand.

Unfortunately, those teachers were few and far between. The rest? Let’s just say they were rigid, inflexible, and uninspiring (to make things worse, some even had bad breath!).

Fortunately, those days are long gone. Online courses are the future of education, and they are revolutionizing the way we learn. Whether you’re interested in web development, data science, or just about any other tech field, there is a course out there for you.

With the right teachers and curriculum, online courses can teach us everything. And if a course or instructor doesn’t quite fit our needs, we can move on to something better. We no longer need to slog through boring lectures or wade through dense textbooks to achieve our educational goals.

And the problem of bad breath? Well, that’s been replaced with the sweet smell of success. So if you want to pursue a career in tech, the best thing you can do is sign up for an online course and start learning today. You won’t regret it!

Shameless plug:

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