The Key to a Marginally More Interesting Life

Earlier today, I helped my son solve the following equation:

It seems easy. Or does it? 

Don’t be frustrated if you can’t solve it right away. It took me about 10 minutes to come up with a solution. But the satisfaction I felt after solving this basic maths challenge was well worth the effort.

Do you need maths skills to lead a fulfilling life? Of course not! But imagine the satisfaction of calculating the tip on a dinner bill, calculating the area of a room to decide what size rug you need, or even solving an equation that stumps your teenage son. The possibilities are mildly intriguing!

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “But I hate maths! It’s scary and confusing, and I haven’t touched a calculator since high school.”

Don’t worry. You’re not alone. Most people are afraid of maths. It’s like a dark, mysterious force that only a select few can understand. But I’m here to tell you that maths is not the enemy. In fact, it might just be the key to unlocking a whole new world of slightly less mundane possibilities.

Another excuse I keep hearing: “I’m too old to learn maths. I missed my chance.” 


It’s never too late to start learning maths. Sure, your brain might not be as nimble as it was when you were younger, but that just means you get to enjoy the thrill of the challenge. Plus, who needs a social life when you have quadratic equations to solve? 😉

Maths may seem scary and intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little bit of practice and determination, you, too, can join the ranks of the mathematically less challenged. 

And now, as a little math challenge to send you on your way, here’s a joke: 

Why was six afraid of seven?




Because seven eight nine! 

Go ahead, dust off your old math textbook, and start changing your life today! Or tomorrow. Or next week. Whenever you feel like it.

Have a good day!

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